The bleeding really is like a menstrual flow ; it keeps up for two , maybe three days , a slow trickle 可这种流血还真的象女人的月经,它们滴滴嗒嗒的怎么也得流上个两三天。
Anyway , speaking of her idiosyncrasies , after the menstrual flow was over , after she had rested properly and put a nice layer of fat around her belt , still she wouldn ' t come across 说来她的怪癖也真怪,待她的月经完了,休息好了,腰里也长了一圈膘,她仍不肯就范。
menstrual flowとは意味:月経{げっけい} menstrual flow meaning: Noun: menstrual flow menstrooul flow Flow of blood from the uterus; occurs at roughly monthly intervals during a woman's reproductive years - menorrhea [N. Amer], menstrua...